
  • Alarm Scaling

    You can adjust the deployment based on the cloud host metrics, then set the alarm-triggered AS policies to fit the number of cloud host instances when the site loads reach a threshold based on real-time performance (i.e., CPU and memory ratio).

  • Time Scaling

    You can set the time to execute the management policy regularly to fit the number of cold host instances. Time scaling supports daily, weekly, monthly operation to improve equipment utilization and to save on deployment and instance costs.

  • Intelligent Replacement Algorithm

    AS automatically monitors the health status of the instance. Once AS detects a faulty instance, it will automatically create a healthy instance to replace the faulty one. This replacement algorithm ensures that your application is getting the computing capacity as you expect so that your business can run normally and smoothly.

  • Built-in Load Balancing

    Alarm policies bind the new instance to load balancing and added scaling instance take on the responsibility of distributing traffic to increase service availability.

  • Scaling Record

    AS automatically adjusts the number of cloud host instances based on the scaling policy you set. You can view the activities that AS has executed from the scaling record.


Web Application

There is a requirement to adjust capacity in the business logic layer of web services, which include retail industry, online education, video streaming, news, etc. When the requests of the users reach the application server through load balancing, AS can expand or shrink the number of application servers based on the demand and load.

Data Processing and Computation

When using ECS for data processing, AS implements flexible and automatic horizontal scaling. Object storage supports result delivery to complete data processing.

Web Application

There is a requirement to adjust capacity in the business logic layer of web services, which include retail industry, online education, video streaming, news, etc. When the requests of the users reach the application server through load balancing, AS can expand or shrink the number of application servers based on the demand and load.

Data Processing and Computation

When using ECS for data processing, AS implements flexible and automatic horizontal scaling. Object storage supports result delivery to complete data processing.


Auto Instance Adjustment

Auto Instance Adjustment

Automatic monitoring that caters to your business multiple monitoring modes, alarm support system, timer, and customizable settings.

High Availability

High Availability

Automatic instance status checks in AS groups with immediate replacement of faulty instances improves service availability.

Low Cost

Low Cost

On-Demand billing effectively reduces operating cost.

Automatic Operation

Automatic Operation

Without manual intervention, AS automatically creates and releases cloud hosts in real-time based on the dynamics of the business. It helps you handle business with the most appropriate number of instances.