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What is Cloud Computing?

When we talk about cloud computing, it has two meanings. The most common one refers to running workloads remotely over the internet in commercial providers’ data centers. We called it the “public cloud” model. Nowadays, most business enterprises use a multi-cloud approach, which means they use more than one public cloud service. 

The second meaning of cloud computing is described as: a virtualized pool of resources, from raw, compute power to application functionality. It is also available on demand. When customers procure cloud services, the provider fulfills those requests using advanced automation rather than manual provisioning. Thus, the main advantage of such action is agility. In other words, it can apply abstracted computing, storage, and network resources to workloads as needed and tap into an abundance of pre-built services. 

Public clouds allow customers to gain new capabilities without investing in new hardware or software. Instead, they pay their cloud provider a subscription fee or use the pay-per-use plan to only pay for the resource they use. 

The Benefits of Cloud Computing 

Cloud computing has become the platform of choice for large applications, particularly customer-facing ones that frequently need to change.  More significantly, public clouds now lead the way in enterprise technology development, debuting new advances before they appear anywhere else. Business enterprises are opting for the cloud, where an endless parade of exciting new technologies invites innovative use.